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Archive for the month “October, 2011”

Taming the Tongue

I swear. Well, I do swear but what I mean is, I swear there is nearly always an inappropriate word, saying, thought, phrase, or song just waiting to jump off the tip of my tongue at the most inappropriate times! My filter has greatly improved over the years, luckily, but I still am on constant vigilance in staff meetings, the employee kitchen or at networking functions against…myself. My brain comes to the fastest, funniest, albeit inappropriate, thought and it just sits on my tongue…waiting for final approval before launching itself full force into a situation. My brain is not automatically wired to be PC nor worried about the HR department. All I can do is put on the final E-brake before the verbal accelerator is hit.
Thank you Lord that I’m getting better! My thought right before I decided to write this may have gotten me fired. Phew!

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